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Dr Phil Coates was appointed to be the Honor Professor of BUCT  
Dr Phil Coates was appointed to be the Honor Professor of BUCT

    Dr Phil Coates was appointed to be the Honor Professor of BUCT



Professor Phil Coates was appointed to be the honor professor of Beijing University of Chemical Technology on 27 March 2009. The ceremony of appointment was held at Yify Meeting Center of BUCT.

The ceremony was held by Prof. Wu Daming, Vice dean of College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Director of Plastics Machinery & Engineering.

The Vice President of BUCT, Prof. Xianyang Li, issued the letter of appointment of the honor professor of BUCT to Prof. Phil Coates. The dean of College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Prof. Kuisheng Wang gave a brief introduction of Prof. Phil Coates.

The following person presented on the Ceremony:

Vice president of BUCT, Prof. Xian Yang Li

Chief of human resource of BUCT, Prof. Xin Li Mao;

Chief of International Cooperation and Exchange Office, Prof. Haiping Geng

Dean of College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Prof. Kuisheng Wang

Dean of College of Material Science and Engineering, Prof. Wantai Yang

Vice Dean of College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Prof. Wu Daming


Professor Phil Coates was a Physics graduate of Imperial College, London; his PhD research was on solid phase deformation processing of polymers at Leeds University. Professor Phil Coates is Pro Vice Chancellor for Research & Knowledge Transfer, and Professor of Polymer Engineering at the University of Bradford, UK, with a 3500 m2 research laboratory. He is Associate Director of the internationally recognised Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC) in Polymer Science and Technology, with some 30 researchers in Bradford involved at the leading edge of in-process measurements for process monitoring, analysis and control, and validation of computer modelling. Substantial new areas include Micro and Nano moulding, Healthcare Technologies and Pharmaceutical Engineering Science, all exploiting advanced processing of polymers and biomaterials. He is Director of the Polymer Centre of Industrial Collaboration, and the International Centre for Micro & Nano Moulding. His research has substantial support (over 24 million total grants and contracts) from UK Government sources and industry, with over 100 companies collaborating in the research programmes from the USA, Europe, the Middle East, Australia and Japan. He was honoured by the award of the Institute of Materials Netlon Gold Medal for Innovation in Polymer Processing at 2000 and the Swinburne Award (2008). Prof Coates also runs academic and industrial Networks for In Process Measurements. He has published extensively - some 280 papers, in scientific journals and has co-authored 67 books, and edited 7 books. He is Chief Editor of the international journal, Plastics, Rubber and Composites: Macromolecular Engineering. Professor Phil Coates was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 1995.

The research of Professor Phil Coates is internationally recognised with many keynote and plenary address and worldwide collaborations. Main themes are: (1)analysis/modelling of polymer processing mechanics, involving world leading in-process measurements- experimental characterisations of the solid and fluid phase rheology of polymers, with novel rheo-optical, ultrasound techniques and in-process spectroscopy; (2) processing machinery design and control of processing, espiecially in the fields of injection moulding including micromoulding, extrusion and reactive processing-encompassing determination of process dynamic responses to the deconvolution of machine and raw material variables for real time closed loop process control; (3) computer modelling of solid and melt phase processing-used in process design and control, and for insight into deformation and flow mechanisms.

      Professor Phil Coates has strategically linked all UK academics in cooperative research, as leader or as a board member: a member of Royal Academy of Engineering and Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining, Associate Director of the Polymer IRC, Director of the Yorkshire Forward Polymer Centre of Industrial Collaboration; leader of EPSRC major collaborative programme on Enhanced Polymer Processing, Micromoulding, DTI In-process measurements programme and EPSRC Networks for (a) Computer Modelling of Polymer Processing which links 11 UK Universities and 6 organisations involved in modelling and its validation and (b) In Process Measurements which links 14 UK Universities and a range of organisations; leader of the WRAP PVC Recycling consortium; and a site leader of EPSRC major collaborative programmes on Microscale flows and Faraday Plastics; Director of the Micro & Nano Moulding Centre  and leader of the DTI Focus Group on MNT Polymer Manufacturing.

In the past two years, professor Phil Coates actively promotes the scientiific and technical collaboration of institutions between China and UK in the field of polymer processing. Professor Phil Coates is now the honour professor of Sichuan University and Institute of Chemistry Chinese Acdamy of Sciences.  He had successfully organized the EPSRC programme on people Collaboration “Virtual Institute for Polymer Process Structuring”(VIPps) and is now striving for the new Collaboration Programme “Science Bridge” which is aimed at promoting the innovation and knowledge transfer btween UK and China. Professor Phil Coates visited our University last year and invited 4 professors of BUCT visit Bradford University. Both sides think that there are many common scientific interests between our two Universities.




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