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The letter from Prof. Phil Coates  
The letter from Prof. Phil Coates

The letter from Prof. Phil Coates


Dear Daming, Liqun and Dongyun and Wantai

We are all safely home and back to work again.  What an excellent week we had in China, and what an excellent VIPps Technical Meeting in Chengdu, followed by such an excellent time with you in Beijing!  I am greatly honoured  to be an Honorary Professor of BUCT and I hope that I will be able to fulfil this role well.

 Your hospitality and kindness were great, and very much appreciated by all of my staff.  Thank you for your kindness in collecting everyone from the airport and taking us all back again, and for the marvellous afternoon visits to the Olympic Stadium and the Great Wall.  This has been a very memorable event for all of us – certainly one of the best times I have spent in China.

 I really look forward to our continuing collaboration, and to fulfilling my role as Honorary Professor with you.   I am sure that the new programme and associated opportunities will give us an excellent platform to build on.   So, many, many thanks to you and your excellent team, for your very great warmth and kindness.  I really do count you as great friends!  So do my colleagues here in Bradford.  We look forward to the existing programmes going forward and to new possibilities.  Please pass on these thanks to all of your team.

with regards




Professor Phil Coates FREng,

Pro Vice Chancellor - Research & Knowledge Transfer

Director, Polymer IRC Bradford site

Director, Polymer Centre of Industrial Collaboration

School of Engineering, Design & Technology

Editor, Plastics Rubber & Composites: Macromolecular Engineering


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